Economía Solidaria

Ethical and Solidary Psychology

[en castellano] In 2014 we inaugurate in Pamplona the Ethical Psychology Center, an alternative space of psychological attention where to attend to persons affected with limited economic resources. Now, our intention is that of being able to contact with professionals of the health – principally mental health – so much in the State as the […]

3 junio 2016

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"Tokiko garapena eta ekonomia solidarioa Politika publikoak eraikiz" mintegia (Bilbo)
"Tokiko garapena eta ekonomia solidarioa Politika publikoak eraikiz" mintegia (Bilbo)

[en castellano]

In 2014 we inaugurate in Pamplona the Ethical Psychology Center, an alternative space of psychological attention where to attend to persons affected with limited economic resources. Now, our intention is that of being able to contact with professionals of the health – principally mental health – so much in the State as the rest of Europe, which work on a model similar to ours to be able to exchange information, experiences and develop joint projects based on the contribution of ideas and on the cooperation.

The devastating effects of this economic crisis are well known for everyone. Businesses closing down, laid off workers, families unable to make ends meet, and threatened by eviction orders …

Unfortunately, a decent welfare is what is at stake. The problem cannot be reduced to an economic situation when personal and psychosocial factors are present.

A higher than 20% increase in work-related Psychology appointments is sufficient proof despite the impact on domestic economy.

Therefore, uncertainty at work, job loss, and unemployment stress make people feel angry, hurt, panicked, rejected, and scared.

Only two possible options left: a prime quality National Health System burdened with waiting lists and budget cuts, or inaccessible pay doctors made it highly recommended to set up an Ethical Psychology Center in Pamplona. This way it was possible to give the worse off in society a chance in psychological assessment.

Therefore, we consider that every human being is entitled to both physical and mental healthcare, notwithstanding the economic situation.

So it was without public or private funding, but always keeping up our social solidarity ethics that this project came into life. A first visit free of cost and subsequent visits at 30 euro offer high quality psychological assessment within our ethics.


The principles of our Project having been displayed, we are looking for European professionals –mainly in the field of mental health– willing to exchange, develop, or co-work projects, experience, and any other work proposals.


The Centro de Psicología Ética is located in C/ Cipriano Olaso, 10 bajo, Pamplona – 31001 – Spain
Tel.: 00 34 948 10 29 85 · ·

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