
9th EMES International training school

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EMES International Research Network, in collaboration with Euricse, is organizing the 9th edition of the EMES International training school, to be held in Trento, Italy, from June 30th to July 4th, 2024.

This training school promises a unique and enriching experience for passionate Ph.D. students and early-career researchers eager to learn more about social and solidarity economy and social innovation.

What sets EMES training schools apart?

  • Interactive format: dynamic discussions and collaborative learning!
  • Diverse course topics: exploring key themes in the field of social and solidarity economy!
  • Transdisciplinary approach: help you tackle complex and interconnected problems that span multiple disciplines and sectors!
  • International networking: connect with fellow scholars from around the world!
  • Teaching faculty: learn from leading experts in the field of SE!
The Summer School is delivered as part of the European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC) blueprint project, under the Erasmus+ Programme, in which Euricse is one of 15 European partners joining forces to identify and address skills gaps in the social economy sector, developing skills at different levels of education in Europe and offering learning opportunities to meet the needs of different emerging job profiles in the sector.

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